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The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health


Slovak Focal point for EFSA would like to inform you about organising international scientific conference “THE IMPACT OF GLOBAL CHANGE ON THE ENVIRONMENT, HUMAN AND ANIMAL HEALTH”.

The conference is jointly organised by the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (Slovak Republic) and by the Nord University, Bodø (Norway). The Slovak Focal point for EFSA is one of the collaborating organisations of this scientific event.

Conference will take place in Košice, Slovak Republic from 2nd to 6th of May, 2017. The meeting venue is Hotel Yasmin in Košice (www.hotel-yasmin.sk). 

The event aims to provide a platform for discussion about the research that contributes to the sharing of new theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge, and to better understanding of global changes.

The main topics are:

  • Impacts of global and climate change on the environment
  • Impacts of global change on public and animal health
  • Effects of global and climate change on water resources

The conference languages are English, Slovak and Czech (interpretation will be provided).


All participants who wish to participate in conference are required to register via online registration form by the 1st of April, 2017, at the latest.


Contributions have to be submitted by the 15th of March, 2017 at the latest. For the Guidelines for Contributions writing please see the attachment.

For more information about the conference please see the attached 2nd Announcement or visit: http://igc.uvlf.sk/

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